Gold Teeth

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Sunday Bloody Sunday

well actually it's Monday morning...but either way it's always a good time to share some stuff. Here are some new drawings and design for our first single (very exciting!!!)
More to be revealed soon. In the mean time heres some of the stuff thats been keeping me entertained when tired of drawing Joe's ugly face (yeh that's right online beef, bring it to the blog man!)




Probably one of the best skills ever. My favourite trick is the no hands! everytime.
Anyway enjoy these videos and let me know if you find anything that tops my man in the hoop...coz I'd love to see it.
peas and love
Will x

Friday, 10 October 2008

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Recent Exploits

Waking up late for photo shoot..tut tut

The press office had a table tennis table full of clothes and muffins!

Nick reads us a quick extract from his latest novel before practise

Will x

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Lots of news!

Everyone! We are currently recording new tunes at the moment, they are fuckin sick andwe cant wait for you all to hear them!

Our gigs have been going really well, every gig we play is tighter than the last and im sure this is the sighn of good shit! The mood in the gold teeth camp is up, we are all pretty excited about all the stuff that is happening, we are getting press and stuff now! wooooooo!

We are going to have another photoshoot soon, so rest assured you readers will be the first to know what they look like after weve had a butchers.

We now also have a press agency, 607 press, doing our stuff, this is exciting! They are a lovely group who really know what theyre doing and they also make great tea, and have a mini tabletennis table in thier office. Cool!

We are also discussing relesing a single, what and when it will be is to be confirmed, but i think were lookin at october??? Anyways, we will let you all know.

I have plenty of funny videos and photos of us being monkeys, but im trying to figure ot how i can bletooth them to my computer. I hope i dont have to spend any money...

I have taken up drawing manga cartoons, not like pokemon and dragonball z and kiddy stuff like that, im quite getting into the style of how they draw things, i like i like i like!

One of our new songs is finished but youll all have to wait untill we finish the rest of em before you can hear it..."WHY!?" i hear you cry? because it will be better if we slap you in the face with a wet, 5-track EP, fish then 5 'goldfish' at a time! (im quite proud of the goldfish bit, thanks for your support)

Im going to play some guitar now. Easy you lot!!!

Nick teeth xxx

Tuesday, 12 August 2008


Hi check out our review in Amelia's magazine!


or copy and paste this if the link doesn't work

Might post more press soon..

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Golden Faces 2

Here's an updated set of drawings...i like these ones better.
Will x

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

They let us in..

and we jammed...(lots more jams to come, but I've been to lazy to put them up..)

XFM won't let us in.. don't they know who we are?... no no they don't

We went to XFM but they wouldn't let us in...

Monday, 16 June 2008


After Joe's accident he was wheelchair bound for the rest of our time in the studio...or was he??

TASTY design!

New Gold Teeth artwork by Will

Monday, 9 June 2008

get to the CHOPPER!

helicopter invades the gold teeth recording session!

Sunday, 8 June 2008


Hello everybody out there this is joe and this is a blog. i'm just getting used to this whole blogging bussiness so bare with me and i'll chuck some videos your way. yay!

Thursday, 29 May 2008


Check out Jonny traped in his car!

Joe x

Our first blog

Hi this is our first blog! there will be more to come soon...